Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Consumer Collections: When Consumers Stop Paying, Listen

Consumer Collections

As a small business owner, you feel it when your fortunes shift—even just a little bit. When a consumer doesn’t pay for your products or services, covering your expenses becomes much tougher. Fortunately, you can shore up your financial strength by being proactive about the balances on your books and using consumer collections to recover

How can skip-tracing help you recover the debt?

skiptrace search

Sometimes consumers will pull what appears to be a disappearing act. Bills are returned to your office marked with the yellow “no forwarding address” label. You pick up the phone and their number is out of service. You then call their employer, and they’ve never heard of the consumer. At this point, you may wonder

5 Tips: How to Choose a Collection Agency

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When consumers stop paying for the services or products you provided, at some point, you’ll need assistance from a debt collection partner. But there is so much more than just a simple transaction when you choose a collection agency. If your third-party debt collector is a bad fit for you — that is, it’s not

When is the Best Time to Send an Account to Collections?

when is the best time to send an account to collections?

Whether you’re running a small business, healthcare office, or a large corporation, knowing the right time to submit a debt to your collection agency remains tricky. There’s a delicate balance. You shouldn’t send an account to collections too soon, but you also shouldn’t wait too long. So what’s the correct timeframe? Here are some things

Deal with Collection Accounts Before Holiday Hoopla

Overwhelmed employee working while wearing holiday attire

The holidays can be stressful and busy. It’s so busy that the holiday season requires an almost endless list of lists: shopping lists, grocery lists, and your general To Do List. And that’s just for your personal life. Throw your business’ hectic office environment into this mix, and you’ll stress levels are almost guaranteed to

What Regulation F Means for Collection Agencies and Creditors

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has implemented new rules, known as Regulation F, requiring collection agencies to obtain additional information from creditors sending past-due accounts for collection. The Rule’s effective date is November 30, 2021. Regulation F has impacted the collection industry and raised many questions about what comes next, especially among creditors who

Is It Worth Investing in Collection Services?

There are a lot of collection agencies and a lot of collection services out there. Some of them charge upfront fees for their services, and others don’t. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve worked with collection agencies before, it isn’t easy to know which products or services you should use. And how do you

The Consumer Experience: A Simple Equation for Better Collections

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IC System remains at the forefront of the collection industry because we use consumer experience metrics to gauge performance. Data analysis of call quality scores, combined with our Consumer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey results, shows that the more we improve the consumer experience, the more consumers will likely resolve their past-due accounts. Call Quality (CQ) IC

When should debt collectors be used?

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There’s no simple answer to the question, “When should debt collectors be used?” The answer varies for every industry and every business, and sometimes every account. But there are a few general principles that can give your office some insight about when you should send past-due accounts to a collection agency. Here are some considerations:

How do I take someone to collections?

A woman looking through paperwork

If you’re a business and you’ve never hired a collection agency before, you might ask yourself, “How do I take someone to collections?” You probably have plenty of other questions about how the collection process works as well. Here are a few considerations to prepare your office for sending past-due receivables to IC System. When