Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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InstiCollect: Quick, Easy, Debt Collection

Perfect for Small Businesses • Get Started Today • Online Process • Submit Debt in Minutes

Is your bottom line affected by past-due receivables? InstiCollect is here to help.

We understand the challenges businesses like yours face. Our service is designed to collect overdue accounts with integrity. Here’s why InstiCollect’s fast and efficient debt collection is perfect for your small business:

● Ideal for handling from 1 to 50 debts per month
● Start collection activity within one business day
● Works for both individual and business accounts
● Our ethical approach maintains your customer relationships

Have questions about InstiCollect? No problem — talk to our team and get them answered.

Get Started

Benefits of Insticollect

You need your past-due accounts recovered quickly. InstiCollect helps businesses like yours submit debts for collection faster and easier than ever before.

Setup in Minutes

Sign up online and skip the salespeople. Start submitting debts for collection today — fast! Have only one account? No problem!

Dynamic Collection Efforts

We use phone calls, letters, emails, and texts to communicate with consumers through their preferred methods.

Ethical Approach

Our representatives treat your consumers ethically, which leads to more money recovered. IC System is a BBB Torch Awards for Ethics winner, so you can trust us.

Client Portal

Use IC System’s Client Portal to manage your inventory with a transparent view of our collection efforts. See statuses, representative notes, and communication logs.

Client Service

Have a question? Open a case on the Client Portal and get help from our friendly staff. Use our Help Center tutorials to navigate the Client Portal and boost recoveries.

Get Paid

IC System transfers your share of funds via electronic ACH transfer monthly. Securely monitor your statements and track collection progress through our Client Portal.

Phase I

Dynamic Touchpoints

Reaching people can be challenging. Some screen calls and discard mail from unknown senders. InstiCollect uses various methods to contact past-due consumers.

We use phone calls, letters, emails, and texts to reach consumers through their preferred channels. This makes our debt collection fast, easy, and effective.

  • Call campaigns target optimal times for successful contacts
  • In-house analysts review and adjust our communication strategies to improve effectiveness

Written Correspondence

Upon placement of a delinquent account into InstiCollect, the consumer receives an initial validation communication from IC System advising them of the balance due, service dates and charges, and any history of payments made previously.

After sending the initial validation notice in InstiCollect, we review the effectiveness of the first attempt and send additional letters, emails, and texts if needed. This approach analyzes the characteristics of people who resolve their accounts, then applies that understanding to new accounts.

  • Save your office the administrative burden of sending letters, emails, and texts
  • Written communications prompt consumers to reach out to resolve their account

Outbound Phone Calls

IC System’s highly trained representatives specialize in taking an empathetic approach. When you use InstiCollect, we will work with your consumers, negotiate payment, and maintain your business’ good reputation to improve financial outcomes for everyone involved.

Consumers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Our financial counselors have been trained

  • We train, coach, and monitor our collection staff to meet rigorous call quality guidelines
  • We ask consumers to take a Consumer Satisfaction Survey after our calls—the results show 99% of surveyed consumers feel they were treated professionally
  • Our ethical approach to debt collection helped IC System earn the Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award for Ethics
  • Accredited and A rated with the BBB!

Credit Reporting

When you use InstiCollect, IC System will report your eligible non-paying accounts with balances over $50 to the national credit bureaus.

Credit reporting can provide a crucial incentive to consumers that will encourage them to resolve their past-due accounts.

  • Motivate consumers to resolve their debt
  • Create a record of past-due accounts on the consumer’s credit profile
  • Credit reporting may incite consumers to pay even after collection activity ends
  • Reporting maintained for up to seven years from the date of delinquency

Note: If your organization is in the healthcare industry, there are some restrictions to credit reporting. Effective July 1, 2022, the NCRAs will no longer display paid medical debt collection accounts on consumer credit reports. If an account is sent to collections, credit reported, and then paid, the NCRAs will automatically remove the credit reporting upon payment. Also effective July 1 of this year, the NCRAs announced that medical debt collection accounts will not be reported until at least 365 days past the original creditor’s date of first delinquency. This change increases the reporting wait period from at least 180 days to 365 days. Effective 3/30/2023, the Credit Bureaus require a minimum balance of $500 for healthcare accounts.

Skip Tracing

Skip tracing scrubs occur automatically before debt recovery activity takes place in InstiCollect. The process ensures that IC System has clean consumer data and spends our efforts collecting with the right information. The automated skip tracing process with includes a robust suite of vendor services to locate new contact information, including phone numbers and addresses.

  • Automatically uncover new contact information
  • Disqualify accounts based on bankruptcy and deceased databases
  • Consumers change cell carriers and move regularly, and skip tracing can locate their new contact information
  • Services may include MelissaData, LexisNexis, NCOA, FirstData Phone Append

Inbound Call Handling

Our US-based call center features highly-trained representatives ready to field questions from your consumers and negotiate payment on your behalf.

  • Knowledgeable staff trained in a philosophy that compassion is key
  • Trained and compliant with all federal and state guidelines
  • Secure consumer payment portal online for off-hours resolutions
  • 99% of surveyed consumers say they were treated professionally by IC System

Intelligent Collections Strategies

Every account is different. IC System believes in working smarter to quickly collect more debt on your behalf using InstiCollect. We use advanced technologies and data to drive our calling campaigns, resulting in a higher rate of right party contacts. We analyze the characteristics of people who resolve their accounts, then apply that understanding to new accounts — fast tracking your debt collection in order to recover more as quickly and easily as possible.

  • Dynamic strategies based on consumer behaviors
  • Intelligent data algorithms focus collection efforts on the likeliest payers
  • InstiCollect’s dynamic approach uses multiple mediums to engage consumers positively and motivate payment
  • Phone, letter, text, and email communications
  • These strategies result in more effective work effort and more revenue

Phase II

Additional Outbound Calls

InstiCollect ensures the highest rate of right-party contacts by using data to inform our calling strategies. Our strategic call approach uses an algorithm developed by our data scientists to determine the best time to make calls in order to speed up debt recovery and collect as quickly as possible. Tracking the results, IC System increases our contacts year over year.

  • Additional calling prompted by proven data analytics
  • Calls at varied times of day for best possible results
  • Scoring targets consumers most likely to pay
  • Higher revenue returns for our clients

*Note: The contingency fee on accounts increases to 50% in Phase II.

Additional Correspondence

Our in-house analysts review the effectiveness of our InstiCollect correspondence plans and make changes to enhance our consumer correspondence process. IC System also sends unique communications via our proprietary ADHOC lettering tool. This allows IC System the ability to make changes and send additional notices as the situation demands.

  • Effectively worded letters, emails, and texts create an urgency to resolve past-due accounts
  • Automatic payment plan reminders for ongoing payment plans
  • Compliant with all state and federal regulations

Credit Monitoring

With InstiCollect, credit monitoring allows IC System to watch a consumer’s credit profile for changes that may indicate an increased ability to pay. When we see such a “trigger,” we quickly renew InstiCollect debt collection efforts. We respond by increasing our calling efforts on the account. This as an effective tool for realizing collections on debt accounts over one year old.

  • If credit monitoring produces an alert that the consumer’s profile has changed, collection activity is accelerated for thirty days
  • Credit monitoring looks for “triggers” visible in the consumer’s credit profile
  • We monitor for over 25 “triggers” such as new tradelines, paid accounts, new loans, etc.

Attorney Referral

Non-litigation attorney referral with InstiCollect creates urgency with calls and letters from an attorney on IC System’s behalf. We find that a letter or call from an attorney’s office is often an effective deterrent from further delinquency.

If, after an initial collection period, we have not secured payment, IC System will refer eligible accounts to attorneys. We provide referrals to our nationwide network of attorney partners, who assist in the collection process.

Services may vary depending on the state in which the consumer resides, the type of account, and the amount owed.

  • Highly effective payment motivator
  • Attorneys in the IC System referral network are bonded by a lawyer listing service such as the National List, The General Bar, and/or American Lawyers Quarterly
  • All attorneys specialize in collections and provide timely communication

Get Started with InstiCollect

35% fee on recoveries and a one-time $75 setup fee

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Need Something More?

IC System offers flexible, fast debt collection services for businesses interested in recovery that’s as quick and easy as possible. Learn about our other programs.

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Our Ethical Approach Has Made Us a Consistent Award-Winning Company