Becker’s Hospital Review Lists IC System as RCM Solution

Becker’s Hospital Review recently published a list of companies offering revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions in the healthcare space. The list stresses the importance of RCM today, particularly given recent regulatory changes and increased scrutiny of the industry from lawmakers.
Becker’s Hospital Review is a prominent source of cutting-edge business and legal information for healthcare industry leaders. It focuses on providing up-to-date business and legal news and analysis related to hospitals and health systems, catering to high-level hospital leaders. The publication aims to offer valuable content like hospital and health system news, best practices, and legal guidance tailored for healthcare decision-makers.
Of IC System, Becker’s noted that we are “privately owned since 1938” and “an expert in healthcare billing collections.” To be sure, IC System’s more than 4,000 healthcare clients represent over 70 percent of our client mix and have an average tenure of 16 years.
By including IC System on a list of vendors who can help healthcare organizations with their RCM needs, Becker’s emphasizes the importance of debt collection, even amid dramatic change in the industry. “In the face of complex, complicated healthcare revenue cycles, RCM companies provide cutting-edge solutions to simplify the process,” the article said.
Healthcare debt collection can be challenging today. Recent changes in regulations for credit reporting healthcare accounts mean that credit reporting is no longer allowed for a year after an account becomes delinquent, and accounts under $500 are no longer reportable.
A common misconception about these regulations is that accounts under $500 can no longer be placed in collections. This is not so.
Sending debts under $500 to a collection agency, even without the ability to credit report them, will ensure a healthy bottom line for healthcare organizations.
IC System is an expert at navigating these areas and protecting our clients’ best interests when it comes to collecting legally and with the patient experience in mind. We care about our clients’ patients and reputation, we deliver superior performance, and we remain devoted to improving our clients’ revenue cycles.
About the Author: Eric Johannes