Is IC System a scam? Why do they need my personal information?

A woman looks at her mobile phone confused about whether she should use small claims court or a debt collection agency

It sounds like a scam. IC System calls you about a “personal business matter” and asks you to verify your name and address, or possibly the last four digits of your social security number. “What is this about?” you ask. But the agent tells you they cannot reveal the details of the call until they verify your identity. You think, Why should I have to give information about myself to find out why you’re calling? And you’re not wrong. It’s a strange thing to ask. But when IC System calls you and asks for this information, know that it is not a scam; it is a necessary step in the highly regulated process of collecting a past-due account.

Federal laws make collection calls awkward. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a statute that aims to protect consumers by instilling policies that collection agencies must adhere to when calling about a past-due account. One of the regulations requires that a collection agency must verify whom they are speaking with before releasing any personal information about the past-due consumer account. Should a collection agency reveal private information about the account to a third party, the consumer’s privacy would be violated, and so would the FDCPA.

As a result, collection agencies must verify the consumer’s identity before releasing information about the account in question. Granted, it may turn out that the bill isn’t owed, and we’re calling because of some mistake. But even so, federal regulations must be followed to ensure privacy. The sooner we can verify your identity, the sooner we can clear things up.

When receiving a call from IC System, our representatives may jealously adhere to this policy because it’s required by law. It may make for a weird experience at first. We get that. But rest assured, once we verify your identity in compliance with the FDCPA, our representative can reveal whom we’re calling on behalf of, and all pertinent details about the past-due account can be discussed in depth.

Our representatives are devoted to providing a positive, constructive consumer experience. This means that when we talk to you, we do so respectfully, with aim toward finding a solution that benefits you and your creditor. We want to ensure that you resolve your accounts in a way that settles the matter satisfactorily for all parties involved. If you’re happy, and your creditor is happy, then we’re happy.

IC System is driven by our belief in doing the right thing. Integrity is one of our Core Values. Founded in 1938, our accounts receivable company has spent the last 80 years building a reputation of ethical collection practices. Founders Ruth and Jack Erickson instilled this notion when they launched the company and, since we are still a family-run business, now in its third generation of family ownership, that drive remains as important as ever.

When IC System calls you, it’s not a scam when we ask for your personal information to verify the account, it’s a federal regulation. And if you still feel anxious or uneasy about releasing your personal details over the phone, we understand. You can always get answers from the consumer portal on our website. Our website features an easy-to-use form that can help you find your account and read details as to why we might be calling. As always, if you have any questions, call us at either 866-628-7811 for healthcare-related accounts or 800-279-7244 for all other accounts.

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